research manager - FRANCESCO BARBIERI
scientific director
Dissertations already carried out
Research into the optimal conditions for the survival of the larvae of the beetle Protaetia speciosissima in biospheres (University of Trieste - student: Luna Bianzan, lecturer: prof. Silvia Battistella)
In this study, we wanted to recreate, for educational purposes, a model of a biosphere in which to rear larvae of the scarab beetle Protaetia speciosissima. The biosphere is a ‘closed’ ecosystem that contains all the elements for life to develop without the need for what is outside, excluding light.
The biospheres designed and studied were aimed at reproducing a microenvironment in which the inorganic substrate, humidity, plant component and nutrient for the larvae (in the form of decomposed organic matter) were optimally balanced to ensure the survival through the various developmental stages of this insect up to the adult. This project involves the breeding of a native species so that the adults can be released into the wild once they emerge.
Observations on puddling activity in some Asian lepidopteran species: the case study of the Bordano Butterfly House (University of Trieste - student:Roberta Pascolo, lecturer: Prof. Silvia Battistella)
The term ‘puddling’ in lepidoptera refers to a behaviour observed in many species of butterflies in tropical, warm-temperate but also high-altitude mountainous regions. This behaviour consists of the consumption of substances rich in mineral salts, often found particularly in wet or damp sediments, mainly by males. The nutrients consumed during puddling can be transferred to partners during mating or used to strengthen their general health.
In the research work carried out, the relationship between the duration of puddling, the age of the specimen and certain environmental parameters was investigated in more detail, looking for possible correlations between these variables.
Current dissertations
Analysis of the faunal community of the La Pile biotope (Lake of the Three Municipalities, Bordano) and design of a didactic-naturalistic path for the fruition of the area (University of Trieste - student: Nicole Colomba, lecturer: prof. Silvia Battistella)
Study of pheromonal communication in the African goliath beetle Dicronorrhina derbyana (University of Udine - student: Margherita Micossi, lecturer: prof. Francesco Nazzi)
In collaboration with the Laboratory of Animal Cognition (LAC) of the University of Trieste
Study of 'One-Trial' learning in Asian papilionid butterflies
This research was carried out for two years by students from the Laboratory of Animal Cognition (L.A.C.). The aim of this activity was to explore the potential learning abilities in a ‘one-trial’ context of some greenhouse butterflies. One-trial’ learning refers to the ability to learn and remember information crucial for survival even after a single exposure to the stimulus/situation. (University of Trieste – student: Emanuela Esposito and Caterina Nascimben, lecturer: Prof. Cinzia Chiandetti).