Tiere Motus
- Venzone
- www.tieremotus.it
Presenting the entrance ticket to Tiere Motus entitles you to a discount at the Butterfly House, and vice versa.
- Friuli Venezia Giulia
- www.turismofvg.it/fvg-card
Free entry to the House of Butterflies included in the FVGcard. Free entries can only be used once per facility.
Parco Naturale Prealpi Giulie
- Prato di Resia
- www.parcoprealpigiulie.it
Presenting the entrance ticket at the Park Visitor Centre entitles you to a discount at the Butterfly House, and vice versa.
Musei Tarvisio
- Tarvisio
- www.museitarvisio.it
Presenting the entrance ticket to the Tarvisio Museums (Cave del Predil) entitles you to a discount at the Butterfly House, and vice versa.
Parco Zoo Punta Verde
- Lignano Sabbiadoro
- www.parcozoopuntaverde.it
Presenting an admission ticket to the Punta Verde Zoo Park entitles you to a discount at the Butterfly House, and vice versa.
Coop / Alleanza 3
- Italia
- www.coopalleanza3-0.it
Presenting your Coop card entitles you to a discount at the Butterfly House.
Grotte di Villanova
- Lusevera
- www.grottedivillanova.it
Presenting the entrance ticket to the Villanova Caves entitles you to a discount at the Butterfly House, and vice versa.
Oasi dei Quadris
- Fagagna
- www.oasideiquadris.it
Presenting a ticket to the Quadris Oasis entitles you to a discount at the Butterfly House, and vice versa.